4 SEP 2020

“Master Oogway”, our new YHKCC member

Life is full of blessings. It is a day of great happiness and excitement to introduce our special new member of YHKCC, “Master Oogway”!


On one special morning, a tortoise appeared on our running track and enrolled to be our member. This is how a fantastic college life began…”


We would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to the creativity and passion of the teachers, students and alumni who participated in the tortoise naming nomination. All the entries were innovative with unique characteristics. The student leaders together with the Principal, Mr. Dion Chen, reviewed the multiple entries collaboratively and chose the winning name “Master Oogway” for our new member. Thank you everyone for showing interest and care to Master Oogway.


“I eat green and jog every day. Say hello and take selfie with me if you see me around the school!” greeted Master Oogway.


We are proud of the blessing and Master Oogway has kicked off a fruitful year for us all!